🛍️Buyer questions
Frequently asked questions by proof users
🍕What is Proof?
BuyProof is a digital buy proof solution that allows you to prove ownership of your purchases. This can be helpful for returning or exchanging items, or for selling them on the secondary market. Information about your purchase included:
Merchant domain name
Item name
Item image
Serial number
Proof is stored in a decentralized way as a NFT and it's ownership written in a blockchain network. Data storage is ensured by thousands of computers. This ensures that the information is protected from tampering. From the other side information accessed in a public way by anyone.
🥣How does BuyProof work?
When you purchase an item from a merchant who supports BuyProof, you will receive a digital buy proof by email. This proof will include item data and unique proof number. You can then receive ownership of the proof using your your digital wallet (e.g. Metamask).
🍳How do I use BuyProof?
Many ways:
View using proof number at buyproof.info
Share the proof link to anyone (email, sms, social nets, etc.)
View it's data in public NFT marketplaces (e.g. Opensea)
Get ownership record to own wallet (e.g. Metamask, TrustWallet, etc.)
Transfer ownership to someone else
🍿What are the benefits of using BuyProof?
There are many benefits to using BuyProof, including:
Peace of mind: BuyProof gives you peace of mind knowing that you have a verifiable record of your purchase.
Increased value of items: Items that come with BuyProof may be more valuable on the secondary market, as buyers can be more confident in the authenticity of the item.
Easier to resolve disputes: If you have a dispute, BuyProof can help to resolve the dispute more quickly and easily.
Last updated